Letter to Nora
This week, Nora turns 3. Not quite three years ago, Meredith and I wrote a letter to her as an infant about who we believe she is and promises we want to keep while raising her.
You will never know the blessing that you are in our lives. You have revealed in your Mom and Dad a deeper level of love, a better understanding for who we are meant to be, and a renewal of purpose for us in this world.
We prayed for you. My goodness, how we prayed for you. And God delivered in a big way.
Now that you are here, our focus shifts from the blessing we were asking God for to the responsibility that God has delivered to us. In this, we continue to pray.
We pray that God will equip us as parents to be the support system and examples that you need in order to develop into the difference-making woman that you are meant to become.
We pray that you will know your purpose in life, and that you will use your gifts and talents to show love to others and to glorify God.
We pray that every day you will strive to live more like Jesus, and empower others to do the same.
We pray that your heart will be generous and you will always seek to help others and give more than you take.
We pray that in sadness, you can always find your smile.
We pray that in doubt, you will always walk with confidence.
We pray that on difficult days, you will find comfort in God’s promises.
We pray that through our patience, you will understand God’s unconditional love.
We pray that you are bold and courageous, that you will never have a moment of uncertainty in who God has created you to be.
Above everything else, we pray that you will always know you are loved.
James 1:17 – Every good and perfect gift is from above.
We love you, Nora Jaymes. We promise to always do what is best for you and to support you.
Mom and Dad